There are a number of
sales reps in the industry who are regular readers of this blog and while we
have discussed in numerous entries how important it is to use them as a
resource, this is the first entry that is focused on giving them something to
use. The underlying theme of this discussion of closing a sale by “selling to
space” can be used with any category of goods and in almost any retail
situation. We will illustrate this concept with the hypothetical of the apparel
rep attempting to place spring apparel for the first time with a head pro with
whom he/she has been unable until now to get an appointment.
The Appointment:
Arrive early and study
the shop as to the type of fixtures, location of fixtures and wall displays and
their capacities for apparel both in terms of number of skus and total units.
Pay attention to the
extent that the shop is departmentalized. Also make a mental note, albeit
a cursory evaluation of how many vendors would comfortably fit in this space.
Introduce yourself to
everyone available on staff who typically will be the representative of your
product when you leave.
The Presentation:
Make the company
prescribed presentation of the line pausing often to ask open-ended questions
along the way.
Attempt to determine
with these questions the nature of the shop’s business in terms of turn of
product, type of clientele, competing brands (successful and unsuccessful) and
what price points are important - or not. Obviously the other information you are
looking for is what the buyer/head-pro that you are presenting to likes most
about what you are showing.
Use this opportunity to
express your empathy with their business. Develop the skill of being a good
listener as well as presenter. Conveying the impression that you are adept with
your product line and are very articulate is important. Conveying that you care
about your potential customer’s business is at least as important and starts
with being a good listener.
The Close:
This frankly is where many
sales meetings fail. The presentation can be rehearsed but a good close is
almost always the result of customized ‘thinking on your feet.”
Distill all the
information that you have learned to this point and determine from a
merchandising standpoint where best to put in the shop what the head-pro has
intimated he likes and may work with his clientele. This becomes the close.
Remember that the close
you are now ready to suggest is just that – a suggestion, an idea – and should
be put forward with a “how about we try this” attitude.
The ‘Visual to a Yes”:
“Mr. Nye you mentioned
you particularly liked our ‘Merion Collection’. That lead nesting table as you
walk in the shop looks comfortably well merchandised with 18 skus and a bust
form. Let’s put together this look (lay out 18 skus
that look great folded together and make sense). We can book it in a typical
1-med, 2-lge, 2-xl, 1-xxl which would make the delivery 108 units and would
cost approximately $xxxx.xx.”
“You had also mentioned
you thought our Performance Solid was perfect for your membership. This is an
in-stock program so we can manage this staple all season and make it a real
money-maker. How about we take the four-way that sits behind the lead table and
which has 15 inch straight arms and put eight colors of the solid (2 colors
per/arm) eight deep per color. Hang the eight shirts on a grid. We can consider
this a par-level of 64 units and logoed will cost $xxxx.xx. I would like to
come back at your convenience and work with someone on your staff to understand
the business importance and the how-to of counting and filling this program.”
“We can book a back up
order for the fashion table assuming a turn of product in 4-6 weeks with
another 18 skus that would look like the following or if you are more
comfortable we’ll wait and see how the ‘Merion group’ sells through.”
What have you
You have created a total
visual of your product line in the head-pro’s space with goods that he/she has
already specified liking or thinking appropriate. You have taken any and all
mystery out of how to move forward with the process. Instead of asking for the
business you have suggested exactly what the partnership would involve and
assuming the close to be well received only needs a "YES" to be
Without announcing that
you are about to deliver a primer on buying, that’s exactly what you have done.
The buyer/head-pro should be realizing that your paint by number close is the
way they should be thinking through the rest of their pre-book.
You have established
yourself as a good listener and empathetic to the success of your product in
their shop. Along these lines you should suggest at this point that at an
appropriate time you would like to come back and have a round-table sit-down
with the entire staff to discuss your brand, product knowledge, salesmanship
and service.
You have established
yourself as an “Idea-man”. You not only know your line but can suggest and
describe the important points of the partnership from “buying to space” to
raising the level of service of the staff. The sales associate in the territory
deemed the “Idea Man” usually gets the first call when there is a tournament or
corporate need or any other extra-curricular occurrence.
This is not the only way
to close a sale or handle an appointment but it is effective. A typical close
in the industry goes something like this. “Our records show that you did
$8000.00 with us last season, would you like me to work you up an order for you
for that amount and email it to you for approval?” At this point my response is
always “What would this order look like and where will we put it”? These are
fundamental questions that need to be answered before any ordering should be
done and better that those answers be the IDEA of the rep, especially if we
don’t have that sales history yet.